I am an exchange student and I would like to make a suggestion regarding the food in the cafeteria (only from the perspective of Student Union).
I have noticed that most of the time there is no description of the food / no indication of the main ingredients used and this makes it difficult for people like me, for example, to see if the food is suitable for me as I cannot eat certain foods. So my suggestion would be that you can put appropriate labeling or pictograms that can indicate the main ingredients. Sometimes it just says "steak" or "meatballs" but it doesn't say what type of meat it is or other types of ingredients that would be important for allergy sufferers. I would also like to see a larger/alternative selection available - especially for people who can't eat certain types of food (vegetarians/vegans/religious)
I am sometimes dependent on having to ask staff or strangers, which is not always the solution and I feel uncomfortable when I have to disturb other people. 

Additionally there is the option to choose the English language in the restaurant/café - but the dishes are not labeled, so you can only choose the dishes in Korean.